
Wissenschaft & Forschung

Logo von Bruker

Bru­ker is en­ab­ling sci­en­tists to ma­ke bre­akth­rough dis­co­ve­ries and de­ve­lop new ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons that im­pro­ve the qua­li­ty of hu­man life. As one of the world’s lea­ding ana­ly­ti­cal in­stru­men­ta­ti­on com­pa­nies, Bru­ker de­ve­lops high-per­for­mance sci­en­ti­fic in­stru­ments and high-va­lue ana­ly­ti­cal and dia­gnostic so­lu­ti­ons that enable sci­en­tists to ex­plo­re life and ma­te­ri­als at mole­cu­lar, cel­lu­lar, and mi­cro­sco­pic le­vels. We ha­ve be­en dri­ving in­no­va­ti­on in ana­ly­ti­cal in­stru­men­ta­ti­on for 60 ye­ars and to­day, Bru­ker con­ti­nues to build upon its ex­ten­si­ve ran­ge of pro­ducts and so­lu­ti­ons, its broad ba­se of in­stal­led sys­tems, and a strong re­pu­ta­ti­on among its cust­o­m­ers. World­wi­de, mo­re than 9700 em­ployees are working on this per­ma­nent chal­len­ge at over 100 lo­ca­ti­ons on all con­ti­nents.

Karolina Rejrat
Corporate HR
1 Job verfügbar

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